Monday, August 11, 2008

Good Poster Idea.

I came across these poster designs on the internet and thought that this would have been a good solve for the poster assignment we just had. Instead of searching for a good image to help tell the story, allow the negative space to do so. I saved these images a few days ago and can not find the source in which I found them. I forget if ti was for a newspaper, or magazine, or what, but the message is It is a clever idea I wish I had saw it for inspiration while I was in the brainstorming (thumbnail) stages of our last project. And I could have use simpler images, or even just text, like they did, to tell the narrative of the story. 


Ryan Foster said...

Wow... these are strong designs. I am envious of these intelligent solutions to complex communication problems, and of the overall concept behind the set. How intense is that, a bunch of clippings of all the things that go wrong, against a negative image of an iconic tragedy, with READ plain and simple at the bottom. Really hammers home the point. Nice color scheme, and it looks like a layer of substance against the white background. very cool! "why didn't i think of that" we say to ourselves.

-Ryan F

Anonymous said...

I agree, those are really intense and effective posters.