Friday, August 1, 2008

I had a revolution.

I had a revolution.
For this new project (the film festival posters) I was going to do Quentin Tarantino films. After attempting a few ideas and concepts the designs were falling a little flat. Not really satisfied with what I was producing, I decided to rethink, and conceptualize other ideas for this project. Then, it hit me. I thought of doing politically charged movies. Particularly involving revolutions with in the movie (ie. V for Vendetta). I thought this MAY be a good idea. When I think of revolution I think of the propaganda posters from the early part of the 20th century during the poster war years. During this time Russia was ravaged by cilvil war. During this period of political trauma, a brief flowering of creative art in Russia had an international influence on 20th century graphic design. Russian artists absorbed cubism and futurism with amazing speed and then moved on to new innovations. Amazing propaganda posters were produced during this time. Being such a fan of Russian suprematism and constructivism, I thought it would be a fun challenge to try to apply this to my poster designs. I don't know what the end result is going to be, or if they're going to even come out the way I envision. But it would be a fun challenge none-the less. 
I would scan some of the photos that I'm going to use for inspiration but I don't have access to a scanner right now.  

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